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Thursday, July 25, 2013

On Blogging..

I've been thinking about "blogging" lately. Of why I have been so lazy to blog, on how I feel about the overall "blogging" and "blogger" phenomenon. And now I have come to a personal conclusion: I want to blog like how I used to 4-6 years ago. So why am I saying this?

When I started blogging, I was so innocent, and honest. Everything was spontaneous, and silly, and just raw thoughts poured out digitally. But after a while, ever since I got exposed by the media, the whole blogging activity slightly shifted, into something more..planned, and controlled. I felt that I was holding back on some stuff, and putting forward other stuff which I felt would be more professional-looking, or safe, or acceptable by the readers. And then blogging became sort of a side-job, and taking outfit pictures became less and less natural. I started looking out for better venues, better lighting, better props. So it felt sort of editorial, or even advertorial. And I started writing less. Just more pictures.Then more sponsors came. So "blogging" became about taking pictures everyday with all the clothes I have received from my sponsors.

And eventually, I got bored. I got bored of reading other blogs too. Because other blogs even felt more editorial-becoming to me. Their pictures are flawless, with breathtaking sceneries, and poses that became so model-ish and fashion forward-ish. Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, I simply said to myself, this is not the type of blogger I want to be. Nor do I want my blog to become like that. I just want my blog to become my personal diary - and people are welcome to read, if they like. I realize that when I say "4-6 years ago", 4-6 years ago would be my most weird, lame, alay moment, where many people actually made fun of me and my stupid silly poses. But again, I realized that I was much much happier back then. Because I was more of myself. I was never cool anyway, so I'll take "alay" just fine. And now that I have realized all this, I feel much much much more happy.

So...welcome to my OLD blog!


iegha said...

I love u eithet way!!!! Be ur self :)

Anonymous said...

It`s okay sissy, just be who u r like u always said , people out there who is ur truly reader will still enjoy anything u post, I trully admire ur honesty and ur pureness

Unknown said...

Yess, Kak Di! I did read your old posts. And I realise that you've changed. IMO, now you blog just to 'Post fashion thingy', not to pour your heart&mind out like you used to be.
Do comeback the old Kak Di! :)

Anonymous said...

It`s okay sissy, just be who u really r like u always said, people out there who r ur truly reader will keep enjoy reading ur posts, I really admire ur honesty and ur purenesss, keep blogging sister Diana!!!

siti masyitah said...

setujaaa mbaaa... i love reading ur previous posts back when u were in college, post graduated from malaysia, DIY posts, and so onn...
tapi yg sekarang tetap suka koqq, habisnya nggak pernah bosan :)

Fahad Scale said...

Hey Dear Diana Rikasari
I could say that you are TOP Indonesia Fashion Blogger
you've been inspired all people in this planet!
don't get bored to inspire people on blogsphere
I love your originality of your blogging style

Mr. Rebel in Town

Anonymous said...

Cuma fase aja itu, nanti juga akan nemu selahnya dimana rasanya udah nemu topik yang ga terlalu revealing, tapi juga menyenangkan di hati :D.
Tapi emang kalau ga dicoba nulis2 ya akan terus stuck, coba #30DaysBlogging mungkin? tapi kali ini gak boleh foto doang, ada target jumlah karakter per post? :D

Wita said...

I agree with you kak. Dulu saya menjadikan blog sebagai personal diary yang bisa dibaca semua orang sama seperti kakak, dan orang-orang yg membaca bisa sharing juga, tapi seiring dgn berjalannya waktu dan karena ingin menjadikan blog sbg suatu pelampiasan hobi (fashion) jadinya berubah dan yaa malah jadi fashion blog. hehe.

Keep on blogging ya kak Diana, I do miss your post like 4-6 years ago hihi :D
And you're always inspired me everytime I read your blog.

Anonymous said...

hi kak Diana. i'm one of your fan from Brunei. i've read your post since 2008 maybe and stopped around 2011. as your posts did somehow become a tad bit sophisticated? but i went back early 2012 cause at one point, i love reading your writings. especially your thoughts. they are well thought out and your words are magical in a sense. i don't know how to explain it but i just love it! don't stop writing. EVER

Unknown said...

bener banget kak :')
but I enjoyed reading your blog from4-6 years ago till now, biar kata controlled/planned tp tetep inspiring! <3

putri soe said...

Oh finally someone actually said all this. And it comes from a prominent blogger like you. I think "fashion" blogs nowadays are a bit overrated--don't get me wrong, many have high-quality contents (and i'm not just talking nice pics and nice clothes, but also the REAL content such as writings), but i sort of think some of them are dedicated only for "sponsors".

I'm waiting for your next "old" posts.

NEW POST: How to dress like a hipster

Leila Fitriyani said...

Glad to welcoming you back Kak Di..
Jarang ada blogger yang menyadari hal ini. Now on, blogging jadi job, dan blogger jadi profesi. Bahkan banyak blogger yg money oriented, sedih sekali, mereka jadi ga pure nge-blog karena memang suka, tapi karena tuntutan sponsor..padahal most of their loyal readers kangen dengan curhatan2 yang jujur. IMHO ya, kadang, sesuatu yang terlalu di set is kinda boring. Saran aja nih, gimana kalo kak Di bikin video 'behind the scene'-nya the making of every single posts in your blog, bcoz i'm totally curious about that.. Amaze aja..dirimu seperti selalu well prepared disetiap postingan. Padahal, untuk banyak blogger lain, update 1 postingan aja butuh effort yang luar biasa besar..hihi

Thanks for being you Kak Di, dirimu sangat menginspirasi :)

Anonymous said...

woo i love this new resolution u got kak di :D
if i be honest..i fell in love with ur blog more because of what you write than what you wore
i just feel your heart poured out on your writtings..i think that what differs you from other fashion blog, tht people can feel you, like we are a part on your journey of life.You tell us about some private stuff tht happened and tht make us feel welcome.
so its like a two way relationship... and people can always find fashion photos on some magz and catalogue..and i think a blog should offer something more than just that :)
so good luck being more you, i cant wait to see your next post ;)

QiQi said...

ditunggu tulisan2nya

munamuni said...

what ever it is, do what you think right..:) love from Malaysia

Unknown said...

Hello, Kak Diana. I've read your blog maybe since 2012. I've read some of your old posts, too.

Although your blog has become more professional looking, I do really miss your writing, how you inspired me to do blogging too. But, I love just the way you are. I believe Kak Diana right now is still the old Kak Diana. This post showed it all because Kak Diana who I know is someone that always to do self-introspection to be better.

Keep blogging, Kak. =)

Anonymous said...

dear kak di, i reallyyyy love your writing(either it is about fashion or about yourself),
but i will be happy if you can share more about your thought. i have always been impressed by the way you deal with everything in positive way, that's truly impressive and inspiring kak di :)
really love you kak ! keep bloging, okay ? :D

ms.hunz said...

reading your statement here, i just miss my blog.. :(


phenyukerooo said...

im so happy to read this
blogging is about writing and share everything naturally

maybe sponsor something just once in a time, not everyday blogging :)

keep posting di

Mary Andrikus said...

Then you might like this blog -> , it's not my blog so i'm not trying to promote anything here :D anyway, I just found that blog and I read through it... it's pretty much personal but it's enjoyable to read. You might like it. It's not perfect or not editorial, it's pretty much a personal diary, just kind of blog you like.. :)

Eka said...

Just Be yourself , D
We love you :)


Eka said...

Just Be yourself , D
We love you :)


Shenia said...

happy to see this post, cant wait to see the next post..keep blogging because i will always keep reading.. :)))

Ru Yan said...

I love your old-self! You stayed true n honest and it was such fun to read your blog daily!

Happy Discovering Yourself! <3

Valonia Irene said...

Super true fact kak di!
Sbg orang yg udah ngikutin blog ini dari tahun 2008 bener bener terasa bedanya.
Begitu juga dengan dunia fashion blogging secara keseluruhan dr tahun 2008 sampai sekarang terasa banget perubahannya.
But each of it have its positive and negative side :-) at least the quality of the fashion content nowdays are much more better (including your blog) and I think that's, at least, something to be proud of :-D

Dhika said...

Hi kak Di.
Fyi, i just scrolling your blog until your 1st post and its still same until now, there's no different, i mean your blog's still inspiring and never get bored.. beside your fashion journal, i also love your thought post because its so inspiring and its so rare to find that on other blogger..
you know, what i love from your post is because i can get inspire when I'm kinda confusing to what i wear although i don't like colorful outfit much.

I'm waiting for your next post kak ,and please keep on inspiring :)

Momicha said...

Just be you...!!!
We ♥ all the way you are...

Momicha said...

Just be you..!!!
We love all the way you are...

ephy scarf said...

aku siap meluncurkan buku-nya Kak Di.
semoga setelah lebaran ini segera Live.


Tara Filliana said...

diana.. oh how I love your way of writing. this is what I mean, blogging is not about taking pictures, even nothing is wrong with it. it's more about telling other people about point of views we own. for me especially, blogging is about improving my writing, I don't want to loose the lessons I had in the english department

Tass said...

YEAY YEAY YEAY YEAY! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU! you are my inspiration! xx

mrsasaku said...

good article, always enjoy blogging

Hippiegonemad said...

i love to write a lot of things in my blogpost toooooo ka :( sedih banget tapi udah cerita sedih2 dicommentnya "love the shoes" -.-

Bethari said...

I just love yourself for who you are now and then, past and present. I doooo love the way you think, and your style as well. Always supporting you, I am :)

Adeayu Hadijah said...

Kak D your write kali ini beneran nyentuh dan ngejleb banget. I have to admit that I change to outfit too.
I lost it.
I rarely post because I just focus to my outfit post. Not because I'm busy. And you make me realized everything.
I back too my daily post too. Thanks kak D! My inspiration! Love youuuu :*

Anggi Lupitasari said...

this is a very honest post.

Anonymous said...

hai di!aku udah suka kamu dari jaman kamu masih di deviant art,jamannya poop art hehehdan jujur dua tahun terakhir blog mu se fun dan se wow kamu yg dulu :) tapi kamu tetep idola ko :D...Semoga diana yang dulu kembali bersinar lagi....muahh

Unknown said...

There's always a price to pay, Diana ;) Your journey is amazing, you inspired lotsa people, you gained so much sometimes it hurts but again people gain with you and if you think about it, its not bad at all.

After all, i just wanna say do what you like the most, do it for you. Post things that makes you happy. Do not care about what they says, because at the end this is your life, make it count everyday and stay positive towards everything! God bless you! ;)


annamae said...

I also used to read some blogs that I got bored of eventually. I could always tell when the blog's authors became successful in some field (even in field different from the blog's topic) because they started blogging differently. Not exactly boringly, but kind of shallowly, just posting texts that everyone would “agree” with and not telling anything really new or bringing a new point of view.
So, I am looking forward to your “old” blog and hope you will enjoy blogging again!! :-)

stylefrontier said...

ah truly glad to see this post although it gives me a mixed feeling. i mean sometimes amidst all the outfits that we need to post, all sponsors, and stuffs, maybe some of us kinda miss the way we put our feelings in writing. but in the other hand, sometimes there's a thought about "is it okay to post this on the blog? which can be read by many people" "will people get bored reading this?" and so on.

but what i learn is that it's best to just be true to ourselves, and keep in mind that in the beginning we blog because it makes us happy. Writing, just like art, is a remedy.

dinanyala said...

me too, lebih suka foto2 di deviantart juga.

conceptual photos :)
wardrobe sebagai pendukung konsep, dikasih judul yang pas

aaaaa i miss your 'poop art' hehe

Unknown said...


-ndutyke said...

you should write more :)

ajiewicaksono said...

jadi inget waktu dulu .. waktu dulu blogging itu sekedar hobby atau kebiasaaan tapi sekarang banyak manusia-manusia yang blogging jadi job atau profesi .-.

rasanya gimana gitu.. dulu infonya menarik dengan tulisan tangan sendiri skrng info-info gak ada yang menarik cman ngincer uang doang T_T

Catra Samoedo said...

Setuju neik!
Ga cuma fashion blog aja, beauty blog juga kalo udah komersil, jadi kurang asik menurut gw.

Paling enak emang ga diatur ini-itu-ini-itu sih. Hehhehe..

Blogging tips