Don't try to make up your dark past by making other people's lives miserable too. I noticed that those who like to talk trash or make fun of other people are usually ones who were the victim back then. But if you know how terrible it feels, why do it on others? Being a former victim, you should have a big(ger) heart because you've been there and you wanna make sure it stops. So please, to those who think b*tching about other people - directly and indirectly - makes you look cool / smart / better, it definitely doesn't. It simply makes you the loser.
Practice on accepting that everyone has different standards, and that your view may not be mine. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Unity in diversity. Appreciate people, even behind their backs.
Practice on accepting that everyone has different standards, and that your view may not be mine. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Unity in diversity. Appreciate people, even behind their backs.
yup memang semua orang beda -beda dengan jalan pikiran yang berbeda itu tidak masalah selama kita tidak ingin memaksakan bahwa orang harus sama dengan kita dan memandang yang lain salah ....cobalah memandang dari sudut pandang orang tersebut kita akan melihat sesuatu yang lain sesuatu yang tidak pernah kita pikirkan ...posting yang keren dan insfiratif banget
Agree! :'D
I love this post kak diana :) the point is that you're need one word, "tolerant" because we're in heterogeneous world and differences are common, pick this from my post before and I think we've a same purpose to share
agreed! you're cool ^^
Superb kak! :D
SuPERB! Kak :D
I do already know how it feels to get humiliated or insulted in front of lot of people. It's not easy, well that is high school cool guys to-do. Merci Kak Di, another inspiration!
can totally relate to this post!!
Letters To Juliet
brilliant post! thanks for sharing Diana..i'm so inspired
well said diana! ^_*
Diana, first, you cannot stop hatred. You cannot. Hatred itu diciptakan di dunia, berdampingan side by side with love and other positivity. Its what makes life balanced. There's ying, there's yang.
Second, many, MANY haters / meanies itu berperilaku begitu simply because they don't like that certain subject. Simply nggak suka aja, boleh dong? Manusia bisa suka sama sesuatu, bisa juga benci sama sesuatu. Belom tentu karena ada backstory, bahwa dia ada trauma, pernah jadi victim, etc etc.
Without haters and negativity, life would be too goddamn easy, and our strength will never be tested.
@Lala: Betul, layaknya siang dan malam, ada juga love and hate. Namun selain konsep tersebut, dalam kehidupan ada juga konsep 'memperbaiki diri' atau bertaubat. Sudah semestinya manusia yang jahat berubah menjadi baik, dan yang baik menjadi lebih baik. Begitu seterusnya. Kita nggak bisa menghentikan eksistensi konsep 'kebencian' karena bayi terus lahir, jadi manusia baru terus bermunculan. Siklus keseimbangan antara 'love and hate' terjadi karena diseimbangkan pula dengan konsep 'birth and death'. Jadi balance tersebut aplikasinya pada universe, bukan suatu pilihan yg diberikan pada tiap individu. 'Tidak menyukai sesuatu' tidak sama dengan 'membenci'.
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