I don't understand why some people are so arrogant and look down to others. I don't understand how some people manage to live in grudge and not forgive the people who have made mistakes and apologized. I don't understand the fact that some people hate me and make fun of me even when they don't even know me in person. But the thing is, I don't need to understand. That's the beauty of it. All I need to understand, is that people are different, and so are their personalities and how they choose to live their life. And all I need to understand, is that I love my life, and I shall remain positive and happy regardless anything else. Yay! :)
I totally agree with your statement, Kak. Whatever they said about you, for me, you're a good role model :)
I love your post ka Di, I agree with you. We don't need to judge the others because we all are not the same and have each purpose in our live :)
We must accept the difference
Stay positive!
Yes, I agree with you. We do not need to judge other people because we all are not the same and have each purpose in our life. We must accept the difference. Stay being positive!
Guess what, I was thinking a same thing about this like an hour ago, I was about to tweet it to stop being arrogant but be humble instead, don't judge people because you won't know how awesome people could be in their inside, and stuff like that.. And now this post just saying all of my thoughts an hour ago. Good post, kak D! :)
YOU ROCK :) I love this entry!
Dazzling Room
kak diana emang selalu 'cerdas'
love you ♥
semakin tinggi kejayaan seseorang,semakin banyak pula rintangannya,ya itu salah satunya haters,tetap semangat jadi diri sendiri,biarkan yang membenci sebagai penyemangat km untuk tetap berkarya sis ^O^ fightiing~~~
agree :) Lifes too Short to think about people's opinions that just makes us down! you're the one who inspired me to write a blog xoxo
keep it up kak! :)
haha! that reminds me of a comment I received on my blog.
see here:
I had suspected it was an individual from my fb so I unfriended him. People will say and do anything to bring you down. It's just a matter of knowing yourself and ignoring all the negativity. I am not sure why people think they have you figured out so easily. It takes years to get to know someone. People are ignorant by nature and theres nothing you can do about it, but keep going with your life and not let them affect you. :)
Hi Diana!
Just ignore those people and I totally agree with you. People are different. We can never satisfy everyone.
Keep chillin and spread out the positivity energy in you.
Lots of love, muachcx!
same here, i'm agree with you kak, you are a great role model indeed, make people keep trying to reach their dreams, just like yours, people who says bad about you is just sirik, because sirik tanda tak mampu~~~~ hehehe
same here, i'm agree with you kak, you are a great role model indeed, make people keep trying to reach their dreams, just like yours, people who says bad about you is just sirik, because sirik tanda tak mampu~~~~ hehehe
Not that we don't care about them, but we just don't have that much time to care each of them. Got the better things to do yes?
totally agree! ^_*
good artikel.........
Infonya cukup bermanfaat banget gan
Stay Positive Princess Diana!
GO ON , Diana !
and i love your possitive way you solve them :)
they dont know what is art :3
setuju banget sama post Kak Di karena saya juga mengalami hal seperti itu. :)
justru karena setiap orang berbeda, jadi kita juga bisa belajar banyak bahkan dari sikap nggak baik yang orang lain kasih ke kita.
stay positive and creative, Kak Di!
I love how you always spread positivity :)
Come and hail to my cruise~
agree...spendapat saya...siiip...
and yes, agree! some people call me weird because i am not their concept of "normal". so back off haters, i don't care ;)
Letters To Juliet
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