There's always that group of people who enjoy mocking and talking about
others, and take pleasure by laughing upon things they do not find up
to their taste and standards. Then there are other groups of other
sorts. But there are always individuals who do not belong to any group,
because these individuals find the world a better place when people
simply just be their unique self and be nice to everyone regardless the background. Because group labels diminish
your true personality and drag you to become just like the other
individuals in the group you're in. Because groups make you create
perceptions about other groups. And there goes the sincerity to be nice
to others.
Btw, RIP Anna Piaggi, Vogue Editor, journalist, and icon...
Btw, RIP Anna Piaggi, Vogue Editor, journalist, and icon...

I had not known she had died. I read an article about her when I was a child. She was a unique woman known for her unusual outfits, especially her hats.
big agree with your opinion kakdi :D
and deep condolence for Anna Piaggi :(
i like that group thing you said... is so powerful and inspiring... we need to be unique and be ourselves. Group can drag us to become one of them and we lost our identity... nice one...
You are so absolutely right about the different groups.
Mom Fitness Journal
mba Diana, klu udh tua jgn berpakaian spt gambar tsb ya.
Keren banget ya gayanya,mirip ma gayanya lady gaga ,,,,,
Keren banget ya gayanya,mirip ma gayanya lady gaga ,,,,,
I love your words about individuals :')
love the quote!!
"Because groups make you create perceptions about other groups."
visit my blog ♥
so love with this post !!!!
Why try to fit in if you can be out standing?
You are amazingly different from others, that's why people pay more attention to you.
Being plain normal is boring :D
I'm not really a group person, I love to blend in with everyone because it was fun to know different people. But since I move out, I become a shy person ( well I am at first ) and I lost my confident... :| I hope I will get myself back hehe.
Anyway, nice post :) and deep condolence for her..
i agree kak di:) deep condolence for anna piaggi's death
i read a tweet saying that she has passed away and what i thought was one of the most inspiring people is now gone.
Letters To Juliet
hai kak di yang olweis gorgeous :)
membaca post kakak yg satu ini hati saya lgsg 'nyut2' krn 'jleb' banget di saya. almost every single day, saya stuck dengan org yg suka mock dan humiliate almost everything yg menurut dia below standart, pdhl dianya ga di garis standart juga (malah jauh banget dari garis). hehehe. saya pun jadi terpengaruh dengan dia dan mulai melakukan 'hal' ini juga. namun lama kelamaan saya merasakan aura negatif dalam diri saya semakin kuat dan saya merasa risih dengan hal ini. saya jadi org yg tdk memandang sesuatu dari sisi positifnya lagi. saya tdk bsa tidak berteman lagi dengan si org ini karena di luar abilitynya sebagai 'mocker', dia termasuk teman share yang baik dan kami sudah cukup lama berteman. jadi what should i do? *bingguuunng*
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