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Monday, March 5, 2012

The Taxi Story

Remember me mentioning that S lost his Blackberry? Allah is so kind that at such a random time, we got a call from a Blue Bird taxi driver who found S's phone and wanted to return it to us. He made me cry, you know? Honesty and integrity is so RARE nowadays, and yet here is a man who said to us, "I couldn't bear the thought of someone losing his/her phone. I really felt responsible to return it to the owner as soon as possible". God bless him..:')

And btw, his name is M. Afroni.


Nejj said...

It's rare to meet someone so honest these days. Lucky you! (and your husband!) The taxi driver's name is pretty cool though :B

Nanda Soraya said...

almost all Blue Bird drivers are that professional.. some of my friends got the same accident and the drivers returned it without asking for reward. not only in jakarta, blue bird in other cities are also that professional :D (just share some info, not giving any adv here hahahaha :P

priyanka_kaka said...

superb... means there are still honest and kind people out there... :)

Anonymous said...

sopir Blue Bird emang bagus kak. eh enggak promosi ya :))

amanda said...

ooooh God bless that man. so happy for u and S!

turisuna said...

Bravo M. Afroni, may God gives you lots of fortune :)

lalityaa said...

OMG, really?
God bless him :)

missllion143 said...

you believe that Allah is good, and you get it, He is =) *although im not a muslem lol but I believe in Him too, every religion is the same ^^//

Amna said...

MashaAllah.. that's honesty!

dedeRIRIN said...

subhanallah... Allah blessed him.. :)

Seycil Ciceylia said...

<3 Blue bird! !


Stephanie Larasati said...

Wow! that truly reminds us that heart purity still exist, even in big city like Jakarta.

May God bless him, and the ones who reads this post too, to do good and right things each day,

and we must pay it forward.. (like that movie) :)

Blue ocean said...

Waw,GBU !!
what a lucky story!!!

Virana K said...

maybe you should call the company and let them know, who knows they have 'best drivers' award. that should be rewarding enough. so that good deeds could be encouraged, and spread :)

Caroline Benedicta Wilson said...

If i were in ur situation, i wud cry too. Kind people r so rare now, especially when it come to hp or cash. Usually ppl choose to take it instead of troubling themselves to return it. But yeah, losing a phone is like losing ur life, who could live without cellphone now? Hahaha..thank God for giving us this kind ppl..:-)

neo said...

subhanallah....there are still many good people in this world

Anonymous said...

When I travels to Indonesia - Blue Bird is always my no.1 in the list.
They are so reliable and make me feel safe travelling alone in foreign country.
Blue Bird drivers are the most professional and polite taxi driver ever.

Mitha Komala said...

he is too good to be true OMG! :')

Mrs.P said...

Yeah...hopefully all taxi driver as kind as M.Afroni and as good as Blue Bird taxi...may God Bless him

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah.. Allah maha baik... I have just lost my ipad and then someone, a chinese man handed it back to me... Alhamdulillah... Allah is always good all the time and lucky us for having a chance to meet those kind people with high integrity :D

nadyagita said...

wow such a touching story and reality. thank God there's still a good person out there :')
hope Allah bless him more and more..

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bella dinda oktaviana said...

you're so lucky :))

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