I was surprised! But in a good way because it's new and fresh! Hehe akhirnya bakal ngeliat a new header after seeing the same one for almost everyday :3
Me also likey the previous one.. The older header much more fun though.. Hehe,no heart feeling ya, the newest header more simpler, but have less meaning to describe how fun is hot chocolate and mint..
Eniweeyy,, i wud like to order anya grey in yr UP shop.. But i've seen on the web that the material was out of stock.. pls inform when those fab shuz available..heheh. Email me : chuantique_wullan@yahoo.com
I would like to sponsor your blog theme with premium wordpress themes in our theme directory. If you interested please check out theme directory and I will sponsor blog with our theme for free. TQ
Hi Diana.. love the new header.. but love the old one more.. hihihi.. apa mungkin krn masih asing ama yg baru kali ya.. soalnya udah terbiasa liat yg lama.. :p
better before, di!
Haha.. nice, love the new look
that's cute!
that's cute!
Lovely new header! :)
Ooowwww I was SURPRISED but in a good way hehhee. So cute and fresh :3 Love your designs
I was surprised! But in a good way because it's new and fresh! Hehe akhirnya bakal ngeliat a new header after seeing the same one for almost everyday :3
nice.. but i prefer the old one kak.. its like your identity :)
no hard feelings. its just my opinion :)
Cute header!! :D
Cute~!!! ♥
it's cute but i think i prefer the old one kak :):) more unique and creative like your personality..hehee :)
love the new header :)
more simple, but cool...
Awh! Beautiful! Nice touch with the dots. Love it.
I like the new header :)
tapi aku lebih suka header lama kak hehehe :D
i was thinking about botox botox... LOL
Nice header... love it ;)
simple but cute :)
Hmm..I prefer the old one.But,the new one looks nice too. Hmm ada meaningnya gak dr header yg baru?Itu kyk dot-to-dot gitu.
Nice Blog..
waw, awesome and fresher ! who designed it for you ?
me like the previous one >_<
Me also likey the previous one..
The older header much more fun though..
Hehe,no heart feeling ya, the newest header more simpler, but have less meaning to describe how fun is hot chocolate and mint..
Eniweeyy,, i wud like to order anya grey in yr UP shop.. But i've seen on the web that the material was out of stock.. pls inform when those fab shuz available..heheh.
Email me :
I would like to sponsor your blog theme with premium wordpress themes in our theme directory. If you interested please check out theme directory and I will sponsor blog with our theme for free. TQ
loving your new header kak, even tho the old one isn't bad, but i prefer the new one! <3
simple, cute, i like it :)
good luck, di !
gonna miss the old one!!! hehe
but the new one, not that bad :))
yang lama atau yang baru sama2 bagus kok..tapi seneng liat yang sekarang ka..simple + jadi ga bosen liatnya :D
suka yang sekarang ka..jadi ga bosen liatnya..simple and cool :D
i love the new look.
love the big pic.
great !
Very cute! Hope you're having a good week. xx Tika
Hi Diana.. love the new header.. but love the old one more.. hihihi.. apa mungkin krn masih asing ama yg baru kali ya.. soalnya udah terbiasa liat yg lama.. :p
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