I'm so thankful that the people I met in Singapore here were so nice and friendly...knowing that I was carrying 60 kg of stuff, everything felt so light and easy as I got helped by so many people along the way...and I got the best booth-neighbors! Seriously friendly people...:') At the end of the day, I traded a pair of my Up shoes for a skirt from the booth in front of me hahah...thanks, Saloni! :)
My personal favorite brands that took part in this event are: Belle Sauvage, Mae Pang, Revasseur, L'ile Aus Ashby and Bangkok Smiths!
As much as I'd love to take more pictures of the overall event, it really was difficult to as I couldn't really leave my own booth...and even when I did manage to take some snaps of a particular booth, the owner got upset and asked me to stop taking pictures of her products hehehe...soweeeeee ;p

Jeremy Scott X Adidas dress, Cotton On sequin cropped top, unbranded tights, Up wedges
See you guys again some other time! :)
jam nya unik banget kak! :D
Lucuuuuuuu hihihi
Sukses yaaa acaranya
iya, pengen banget punya jam kaya gitu. beli dimana ya?
mamanya kok gak pernah difoto sih? pingin liat.. :)
waw.. congrats....
Looks fun.. I wish I was there..
Anyway.. cute watches :)
Amazing shots, congratulations! <3
jam tangannya lucu ihh yang kuning >.< sukaa...
itu yg shocking pink di tangan tu jam atau rubber bracelet sih? where did you get it from? do tell!! I insist!!.. hihihi
Omg you were in SG? Dayyum, didn't check your blog and didn't knw about the blueprint thing. If not I could have caught a glimpse of you here and see your UP shoes :( hehehe, I feel like a stalker. Anw..you look great. Have a nice day! :B
gmana kak kmaren disana?:)
Congrats, sweetie :)
preety cool watch! xP
haloo..maaf itu acara pameran di mana? di luar negeri ???
pameran apa ya de itu???
foto2 nya bagus2,,,ade cocok jadi model ,,,hehehehe
jamnya lucu ka :)
beli dimana ka?
mantap sampai jam'a ada nama'a sist,hahaha
Ka Diana!!!!! Kasih info dong kalo kk lagi buka booth... Blm pernah kesampean mau ke booth kk, soalnya kurang informasi ;(
jamnya unik banget kayak pakde. hehehe
kalo beli dimana tuh?
kalo pakde adanya ya jam dinding.
Your skirt is so nice I love it
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