Any guesses what it is? It's a mini speaker! Hahah...these are X-Mini capsule speakers to be exact, courtesy of Atikom...thank you!! :)
Because of S, I have developed a greater love for gadgets...but on the other hand, I have made S become so much into shoes as well hehehehe...oh well :D

This speaker is so handy (and good!!) for people like me who enjoys listening music especially from my handphone...but of course you could also plug it into your computer or laptop....:)
There's also one for S...the white one...:)

If you're interested to in these X-Mini speakers, you can visit here for more info...shout out "Hot Chocolate" on their facebook page and receive 20% discount off...yay! :)
wah, speakernya lucu deh :)
kak diana...can you teach me how to edit your photo's like in your art gallery??? thank you
click my name to see my blog
So cute la the speaker... i like pink color :)
it looks cool, mini and portable. How much does it price?
hebaaaat jd wom nya speaker mini inih...:)
i have d exact same speaker n color! yeay us for listening to songs from our BBs! hehehe :)
Shea, My Amethyst
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These speakers are fantastic!!! wow.....
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