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Monday, December 6, 2010

Alec & Keenan

Today's note:

1) Got invited by the U.S. Embassy to meet Alec Ross today...I feel so lucky! And honored! It was a very quick meeting, so there isn't really much to share here...and too bad I was too shy to take a picture with him hehe...

2) Someone said I'm "mentally-ill" for the way I dress. Woahh. There's clearly a big difference between "being artsy, playful and expressive", and "mentally-ill". And the latter itself is an illness, you know? So saying that is really inappropriate. Nevertheless, everyone has their own opinions, yes? I'm really comfortable with myself, and that makes me happy hihihi...

Roxy stripe shirt, Atmosphere blazer, DR for Bloop Endorse faux-leather shorts, L.A.M.B boots

3) My Up business cards are here...yayyy! Ordered them from (again) always, good-quality printing, all communications can be done via email only, and super fast delivery as well! :)

4) Became Keenan's babysitter for half a day...I loooooooove my nephew! Muahh!!! He's 1 year old btw...:)


Febi Purnamasari said...

yep, just be your self. 100%original :)

ratua said...

Support for being 100% original. by the way, awesome boots! And I like the design of the card, eye-catching and unique.

Arnold Teja said...

Yes! We're original can't be replace :-)

And I'm sooooo glad with your own Up business. Congrats!!

Your nephew just so cute..

anastasheeka said...

Your bussiness card is cute. loved :)

Shinta H. T. said...

hmmh.. that's not a very nice way to say it. well, even though that is really what they think, it could hurt other people's feeling. but well, take it easy. take that as a compliment. it is you .. what else do you need? and.. i really love the business card its uberly cute. aaa... you should take a pict with alec ross. :D
i love the last picture, keenan is soo cute..


hannah joe said...

ignore them. i love the way you dress up! you are unique in your own way.

Rea said...

Love ur tattoo, Keenan :D

jacobian said...

what connection did you have with the US embassy anyway?

Febriani Djunaedi said...

cute namecard :) like your shoes

Naruti Afifah said...

love the card and your nephew's cute!

Just No said...


keep it up!!!

Just No said...


keep it up!!!

Olivia said...

amazing boooottssss......

Anonymous said...

sow lovin ur card! XD

Tamara Suprobo Putri said...

love this post and I wholeheartedly agree!

Unknown said...

preach on sister xx

Unknown said...

preach on hunny!!

Anonymous said...

I'll never regard or think you as mentally-ill. The way you dress are simple superb and awesome. Here's a fan way from Malaysia loving your style till bits :D

Marcella said...

waaa lucunya keponakan ka diana :)

Dina said...

You're so creative & talented. Congratulations with the UP! Dina @

Ari Hastari Hadipranoto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ari Hastari Hadipranoto said...

like ur blazer and shoes..^_^

Kenziefaith said...

I can't believe somebody said that to you! I love your outfits. I think they're adorable! Including this one. Stylish, as always! :)

KF x

Jessica said...

Love your outfit!

Stop by our blog and enter our giveaway!

putugian said...

well, k di inspired me to contribute more for our earth...make our planet comfortable to leave in :)
it's not just about fashion...
but the way u dress up are unique, original, and "dianabanget"
love ur act for earth, and it's a cute namecard :)may i have one?haha...

the city heated up said...

HAHAHA love the last photo!

congratulations for meeting alec



MILK said...

way to go girl! You're the role model of all that should stay true themselves! and you met alec?!! your biz card's cute!


eiphel mercedes said...

yes! we deserve to be ourself, what is fashion if we just looking at the magz and followed them? btw, your nephew is so cute, that apple tatoo is making me LOL

eiphel mercedes said...

and ho do you get that L.A.M.B boots? they don't have a stores in INDONESIA ins't it?

drsetyorini said...

first of all, congratulations for UP, and welcome to my shoe-rack :p

well, you can't please everybody's eyes. i would say the way you dress is funnily expressive and colorful, and they feast my eyes for sure. to say it "mentaly ill"...oh that's so harsh! keep shining, comfortable, and original! we love your style kak di :)

Anonymous said...

cute :)

Beny said...

Congratulation of your new Shoe line dear.... =)

Beny Ricardo Sadewo

Shoe said...

Mentally ill?! How dare they! You always look great and creative... I would never know how to put outfits together like you!



Suzanne said...

People who leave snide comments like that are sad...I'm guessing it has to do with jealousy mostly. But whatevers, like you mentioned before, you shouldn't care! Respect

Yesaya said...

kak di bikinnya pake kertas apa business card-nya?

ratieh said...

be your self & 100% original..absolutely agree!

oh, your nephew is soooo cute! =)

Chichi Shabrina said...

hahaha I love the apple logo on his arm xDD

rid said...

wow! kamu ekspresif bgt ya...
blog kamu oke :D

Anonymous said...

we all love u here kak and ur style as don;t even worry about the one who don;t..:)

Anonymous said...

You're really right, 100% original is a must in every single human on earth. And you are truly original based on my opinion :D Love the boots so much kak!

Anonymous said...

diana, up nya buat mini size bisa gak? 34/35? uk kakiku cm 20 cm.

Arranged in Love said...

i really like your site and I been following it for a year now!!
Be you!

fretlin said...

You know what, there's a lot ( A LOT) crazy people out there, who don't have any job or basically don't have anything to be proud of so they end up killing someone else pride and ego to be satisfied with themselves. Sick? Totally. So least we can do just ignore all the negativity that trying so hard to bring us down and always remember the number of these sick people are not as big as the number of all people that support you Diana! :D


Pink Pecan said...

Don't ever let someone's negative quotes makes U down. As long as your way is positive and bring goodness to others, just keep walk in Ur path.

Way to go, Diana :)

Indah Putri Thalitta Samosir said...

good inspiration for us

just simple but so deep..

susah sekali sekarang mendapatkan orang yang 100% original.

sulit memang... tetapi harus kita coba dari sekarang.

entah itu dalam hal berkarya atau pun hal-hal yang kita beli..

just be true to yourself
be 100% Original :)

Diana Rikasari said...

Thank you so much, everyone! :)

Putri Senvia said...

Where did u buy the shoes? I woof it so damn much! thanks for tha info kak :)

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