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Friday, November 12, 2010

Me & You & All Of Us

I used to be a fan of Mangga Dua, because I would always be able to search for 'weird' Hongkong or Japanese brands that I couldn't find elsewhere..but that was a loooong time ago. Nowadays, I don't really enjoy going to Mangga Dua anymore..not because of the fact that it takes me 2 hours to reach there, but because it always leaves me thinking of how can fake goods be sold everywhere inside that building, with prices ranging from the very lowest to the very highest according to the quality offered and level of similarity with the original goods.

There was this time I took my friend who was visiting from Singapore to shop at Mangga Dua, and I was so embarrassed by the way she perceived the scene there. She really didn't say anything..but I could see from her eyes how much she hated seeing those fake handbags stacked so high in every single shop, some even being sold on the ground as if (the real, original) brands are 'just' brands and authenticity have no value. It's sad. I really don't mean to point fingers to anyone who actually purchase these goods (I was one of them anyway), but I'm stressing out more on the fact that this is (somehow) allowed, and is visibly and openly happening. Sellers seem to have all the freedom selling fake goods, giving the impression that Indonesia is fine with piracy. That's really not good for our country's image, don't you think? :)

I guess one way to stop this is for us as consumers to start say 'NO!' to fake or pirated goods. Let us be more appreciative towards the real designers & original brands. If we can't afford designer goods, then we can always go for other brands we can afford, right? :)

Stay 100& original, peeps!


putri sari ariyati said...

so true... :)
i used to do so...

but now i like to have the authentic one... of korzz with other brands that i afford.. or try to buy if they are holding a clearance sale :)

nn said...

i totally agree with u. i rather buy unbranded stuff than fake stuff.

Citra said...

I hate fakes either, but I don't hate Mangga Dua :) I'm still a fan of it, especially Pasar Pagi 3rd floor
Why ? because I can find many craft supplies. It feels like a place full of candy stores for my "inner-child"
Between trashes, there always be a treasure chest :)

Anonymous said...

setuju! lebih malu nenteng2 tas KW daripada nenteng2 murah tapi asli.
if u cant afford, for e.g. LV, then go for C&K or guess.
come on, u dont want to be a KW person, right? that's the same with "fooling yourself".

veda said...

yep, i agree!
i'd rather to buy unbranded one instead of the fake thing.
thats why almost of my closet stuffs are unbranded.. lol

puan hadi said...

i'm all for it! better no brand than fake.

Yuliana Maddi said...

aku juga bukan termasuk pengguna barang KW, karna dengan menggunakan barang KW kita sama saja mendukung aksi "perdagangan wanita" lho (aku lupa pernah baca dmn)

tapi berbicara dr sisi yg menggunakan brng KW, mungkin dilihat dr kemampuan masing2. gak semua orang bs membeli barang2 ori yg harganya "wah", jd mereka beralih mencari yg sesuai dgn kemampuan.

miris sih memang :(

Yuliana Maddi said...

aku juga bukan termasuk pengguna barang KW, karna dengan menggunakan barang KW kita sama saja mendukung aksi "perdagangan wanita" lho (aku lupa pernah baca dmn)

tapi berbicara dr sisi yg menggunakan brng KW, mungkin dilihat dr kemampuan masing2. gak semua orang bs membeli barang2 ori yg harganya "wah", jd mereka beralih mencari yg sesuai dgn kemampuan.

miris memang :(

Tap said...

I agree with you as well, but what's even more sad is not only there are fake well known brands items in the market but there are fake local Indonesian products as well -_-''

@Dewi Citra: Pasar Pagi Lv3 rocks! haha

Anonymous said...

you can't control or blame those people who sell all fake stuff. it's how they live, by selling all the fake stuff. so don't judge other people. btw, they have their own "market" which is the lower people who want to look as cool as those models at magazine. this is life

Rianariani said...

agree kak diana
if you can't afford to buy original one from a famous brand then buy local one. better wear unbranded things than KW

sartob said...

i couldn't agree more kak! mendingan gak beli deh drpd fake. kasian jg designer nya heheh.

Amelia Djamil said...

yes! and somehow i feel terible wore those fake branded and never use it anymore.unbrabded stuff is much better than afford something but fake.its better to afford indonesia brands :) cause most of them affordable.yeyeyyy

si kecil merica said...

cuman satu kata :setuju

hanny arianty gultom said...

hoho.. yes, so do please visit my blankiehang onlineshop III (on FB) to find a cool one with surely affordable prices.. hehe.. ^^v


Yuh Rohana DPS Meliala said...

yes, u right.
i like this article.

Aisyah said...

Hi Diana,

I'm into wholesale and I frequently go to China to look for stock. If you see the price of things there it would make you think twice about buying branded stuff. I went to a factory that produces jeans, and I saw stacks of branded jeans (if I'm not mistaken the brand is NBA, specialised basketball items) being prepared to be shipped to the US. These are ORIGINALS, complete with USD 300 price tag. The factory owner offered to sell one for RMB 30 for me (about USD 5).

So how? these companies should stop outsourcing to China because it will make the business of counterfeit items flourish.

Anonymous said...

halah mentang2 udah tajir sih jadi sok2an ga mau beli kw, dlu aja beli2 dsitu, sekarang udah malu kali lo

Anonymous said...

i don't hate fakes. i don't buy them either. but probably we should understand that some people wanna look branded without the capability of affording the high-priced stuff. and i'm pretty we all know huge brands can't lie to your eyes, so purchasing other affordable brands won't be the best solution.
i can't say that this is a wrong thing to do, but personally i'm just not that against fake stuff c;

Rasya Maudira said...

aku nggak mau jadi munafik dan mengatakan kalo aku nggak suka beli barang palsu, meskipun mungkin sudah nggak sesering dulu karena merek-merek lokal semakin bagus. tapi kalo dilihat dari sudut pandang yang lain, ada banyak orang yang mau kelihatan mentereng dengan menggunakan barang-barang palsu bermerek itu. dan kebanyakan dari mereka tentu bukan orang berpenghasilan besar, karena kalau iya mereka nggak akan mau beli barang palsu.
aku setuju dengan kak diana tentang hak cipta dan sebagainya, tapi soal memberhentikan kebiasaan beli barang-barang palsu itu jujur pasti akan susah sekali buat sebagian orang. mungkin kak diana bisa berkata demikian karena bagi kak diana barang-barang bermerek masih bisa dijangkau harganya. namun ya, lagi-lagi kita nggak bisa pukul rata dan mesti melihat dari sudut pandang orang lain :)

Nicci said...

sad but true : fashion business has a major fuel called envy. that's why people do piracy.

tita said...

kalo menurut saya pribadi barang palsu g terlalu masalah ya, toh kalo dipikir2 (untuk saat ini) saya juga g kuat duit untuk beli barang branded yg asli, saya sendiri kalau beli bukan karena merek yg mentereng tp lebih krn modelnya saya suka. Untuk masalah hak cipta ya memang sangat disayangkan,tp saya ada contoh: missal tas burberry alexa yg sangat terkenal dipalsu oleh china, tp pasi dimana2 jg terkenalnya y ttp dg nama burberry alexa bukan lalu menjadi terkenal dg sebutan lain. Barang palsu jg ada positifnya kok menurut saya.Kan orang2 kecil yg jual di mangga dua jg dapet rejeki dr situ.Kalo beli barang yg asli di mall2 kan yg dapet duit y mata rantainya orang yg berduit semua. Untuk urusan kerugian materiil designernya,pastilah dia jg udh dapet lebih banyak daripada org2 di mangga dua. Jadi itung2 pemerataan pendapatan. laah :) hhehe bukan maksud mendebat,hanya memberi pandangan lain saja. thankyou

Anonymous said...

menurut saya beli barang KW gapapa kok.. saya pake tas marc jacobs & longchamp KW, dibeliin bokap di china untuk kuliah sehari-hari. Justru saya bangga pake produk KW karena China bisa produksi barang KW yg hampir sempurna dengan harga mencapai 1/5 harga aslinya. Memang mangga 2 kan 'reseller' barang2 KW impor china?? Dulu pernah ada protes besar2an dari merk dagang US, dan china dilarang jual barang KW dengan merk yg sama. Misalnya Crocodile jadi cocodilee (barang sama persis tapi merk hrs diganti), tapi lama2 pemilik hak cipta ga bisa berkutik, karena jaman sekarang soal untung-rugi dan penjualan lebih penting daripada hak cipta. Di Indonsia byk barang KW dari china yg masuk karena konsumennya banyak. Keberadaan barang KW ga akan hilang karena memang dibutuhkan dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat menengah ke bawah.

Anonymous said...

Kalo dipikir-pikir, mending beli barang KW loh daripada yang branded asli. Kenapa? coba pikir deh.

Tas LV monogram di Plaza Indonesia bisa mencapai 50 juta. Sedangkan di Mangga Dua yang KW 3 hanya 50 ribu. Yang KW 3 emang kasar sih kualitasnya. Tapi, kalo mau yang bagusan bisa pilih KW 1 atau KW 2. Atau kalo mau yang benar-benar mirip bisa pilih KW Super.

Bayangkan perbedaan harganya!

Fashion isn't about what you wear, is about how you wear, right?

Perbandingan lagi. Dress di Topshop / Forever 21 sama Mangga Dua menurut saya modelnya lebih bagus yang di Mangga Dua. Tapi harganya? Di Topshop dapet 1, di Mangga Dua bisa 2 atau 3.

Sayang, kalo untuk tampil fashionable harus mengeluarkan uang sebanyak itu. Mending dibelikan emas, nilai investasinya jelas meningkat :p .

Padahal, saya bukan termasuk golongan tidak mampu loh. Bukan juga gologan socialite. Yah, middle up lah hehe.


Indah Putri Thalitta Samosir said...

good idea...niceeee...

just be 100% Original

Anonymous said...

wah sebenrnya kalo dipikir-pikir barang Branded itu kan mahal sekali mungkin kalo orang Borjuis saja bisa membelinya. tapi di satu sisi kalo kita beli barang branded mulu bisa jadi hidup hedon dan boros. masa beli tas gucci sampe 40 juta wahwah mending saya beli 2 motor daripada beli barang Branded seperti itu kalo ada yg lebih murah kenapa harus yang mahal cuma hanya gengsi semata. sebenarnya maslh hak cipta yg memang selalu dipermasalahkan olh designer tapi bukannya dia membuat suatu ide memang untuk bermanfaat olh orang lain dan sama2 menggunakannya.

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