Glad to have S back after his 1-week business trip out of town...yay! :)
Topshop floral t-shirt, Benarthee polkadot shirt, thrifted cut-out denim vest, Zara trousers, mom's bag, D-I-Y bow tie, Kloom sandalsAnd guess what he brought for me all the way from Phuket...

"I have something for youuuuuuu..."Me:
"Babe, this is a welcoming necklace. And the orchids are almost dead."Him:
"I know! But I'm sure you can pull it off."
Image from here. In Indonesia, this image translates to "menurut loooccchhhhh???"
hahah thats too funnny lol
you look great! love the bag
Vi from Cali
lOVE IT!!!
Love the top combination ! :D
U look creative as always kak .
hahaha.. the woman's expression just made my day LOL
You're look like confused lady...he.he..he..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! S sure have a very big faith in you diana, he seriously thinks that u can pull off even dead orchids. *applauds* :P
s..s.. he's being creative, i guess. hihi. but hey, its kind of a compliment coz he know u can turn it into something better than what he can get u. ;)
i adore u diana, always!
p/s- the cut out denim vest rock!
very very cute <3's so funny!!
S is too creative i think.. =P
wow..rockmantic :)
kak..aku jarang (apa emng ga pernah ya??) liat postingan kakak pake harem pants...hehhee
stunning! as always ;)
hahaha kocak kak ekspresi ceweknya
He is so romantic. hhahahaha :p
i like your sandal..
you're a funny chic, love your words girl!!
Support Indonesian arts and designs
great outfit, unique !
<a href=">FAKESMILE</a>
lol, funny joey moment
this outfit is so adorable kak!
ah i wish i could come down to the blogger sale on fx
but anyway all the best :)
huahuahuahauhau lucuuuuu....ya itu sebagian kecil kali yeee....ur S jg sering ksh oleh2 spatu,dst yg keren2 kaaan?hehehehhe...
Thanks, everyone! :D
Yuliana Maddi: good point! i'm not really into harem pants you like them? :)
anonymous: yup! I love him for these things actually...:)
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