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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mutual Basic

Plasa finally announces its wonderful collaboration with Ebay...I hope this will allow us local entrepreneurs to move forward in expanding and reaching out to the global market effectively...cheers! :)

Mango shirt, belt & high-waist trousers, Sembonia wedges


Rebecca Clairine said...

Its minimalist
Its awesome:)
U look beautiful .


Ibu Ilyanie(s) said...

u r cute and ur outfit is so cute!!! :D

veda said...

u look chic!

jacobian said...

nice shades.I think seeing you wearing that black shades exemplify your personality. :-)

Melai said...

simple but really nice! :) Love the pants!

Melai of Style and Soul

Naddy said...

love love your outfit!! said...

Walaupun basic tapi kalo yg pake diana tetep keren!

Wedy Reira said...

so perfect dear!!

Unknown said...

wah, dipublish juga event hari ini.. honestly aku suka banget gayanya kamu, gak tw kenapa enak aja dipandang... sayang gak sempat foto bareng :D hehehhehe

FLoRette said...

Where did u buy the trouser?

Fadilla Ungaro Acsa said...

tumben dee pake yg simple .
jd kliatan lebih dewasa n.n

gracelicious said...

Love Your Outfits girl !


Febriani Djunaedi said...

adorable :)

Diana Rikasari said...

Thank you so much, all! :)

Florette: It's from Mango...they're available in various shopping centers..:)

Restu Anggraini : waahhhh i think i saw youuuuuuu hihihi...met kenal yahh!! :)

si kecil merica said...

high-waist yang ini tampak lebih cocok di kamu dari pada yg kemaren, ntah mengapa?? btw congratz buat plasa nya deh

MITCH said...

nice one kak :D

Aneka Berita said...

Luar biasa, cantik dan anggun, idaman buat semua lelaki itu mbak. Modelnya mbak Diana sendiri kah itu?

Herdiana Surachman said...

yaiy ebay

Violet said...

you look so serious and so cool. i love this look

Vi from Cali

Starry Eyed said...

Hi D,

Can I do a request entry?

Can I request for u to blog abt your diet.. as in what u usually take for breakfast & lunch.. do u take dinner?

U have such a slim figure! All these while reading ur blog i notice that u never gain weight, so it must be a good food intake? or u work out perhaps?

Thanks :)

Diana Rikasari said...

thank you! i rarely dress like this hehehe....;p

Starry Eyed: hi, there! i actually don't diet so im not sure on how to advise...but i do exercise...currently im into yoga...:)

Dorothy Souhuwat said...

love this outfit..stylish in formal..

Cieri said...

OMG! you look very nice here! I like your outfit very much. minimalist but sweet~

Anonymous said...

To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.

Université de Paris

Anonymous said...

You have to believe in yourself . That's the secret of success.


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