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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Man On A Picnic

Sooooooo i don't know what actually happened but I ended up being a judge for HIMSI Binus's Halloweeneuphoria "Halloween On Catwalk" costume competition hahah...:D

Now...the judge herself should also dress up, don't you think? ;p I've never really been to a Halloween party or event, but I do know that most of the time people would wear costumes that resemble certain scary characters, superheroes, or 'it' I thought...rather than going 'obvious', why not go 'conceptual' hehehhe...

I present you..."Man On A Picnic"...:)


I made my costume just the night before, and everything cost me less than Rp. 50.000 (or US$ 5) hahah...was fun making it!

So yeah...there you go...:D



Lia Levina said...

cool!! I was wondering what was that.. hehe. why didn't you wear it in the auditorium then? :P
it was nice to meet you.. XD

Jasmin said...

Great costume!!!!

mirramie said...

genius ka!!
i love it...

Diana said...

cute costume. i love it.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaah Sharjeel looks cute!

Anonymous said...

gosh you're brilliant!

Nini V. said...

Your idea is original and cute (and cheap!). For some reason, I want to go as Lady Gaga. I'm not even a huge fan of hers, but I want to dress as her :) Anyways, I had no idea that Indonesia celebrated Halloween. I learn something new everyday.

Catherine Au Jong said...

very creative!

Candyfeet said...

hihihi, S would be love you so much, because you're so funny girl ^^

Siwi said...

cute :)

Shinta H. T. said...

aw!! so cute.. >,< you are so creative kak diii... :D

and i bet S really loves you by wearing the same concept as you did.. you both looks so cute. good luck! :D

happy halloween :) said...

I take it you're not a fan of Pringles yes?

Riri~ said...

Awesome costume.. So out of the box!

Anonymous said...

foto terakhir menurut saya banyak artinya. ambigu sekali hahahaha

Girl said...

Haha, how adorable and totally genious ! I went for the zombie-groom this year. Quite happy with my outfit, even though I didn't feel very original.

Adeline Yang said...

hahahaha. it is so cute!! especially the last picture :)

Café Bouclé said...

Original costume! I love it!
well, I think halloween it's a stress, too: I spended all the morning of yesterday to realize my sexy witch costume (that you can see on my newborn blog), and I'm not still convinced about the result... grrrrrrrr!!!

Reema said...

lol hilarious! Best part is that your doing the table for Mr Picnic Man. Crazy.

Deisha Tamar said...

Di, thanks so much for your help!
And sorry for the costume u've made but couldn't be worn! It's really such a cool costume.

And btw, this event is held by HIMSI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris) of Binus Univ. It's organized by the student's association, not Binus.
Lol (:

Unknown said...

funny pictures!
I love it!

Pam said...

ADORABLE! I love the last photo where you were lying down. HAHA!

sPam of frou-frou

deluxshionist said...

oh my god,,,u are so funny..and i wanna be our friend...hihihihihi

Anonymous said...

ka dii.. harusnya kk rebahan d rumput, jangan di jalan.. hihii..

Diana Rikasari said...

Thank you so much, all! Hahah...and happy halloween! :)

Lia Levina: because nooooo one was wearing a costume I felt i took it off when i entered the campus ;p

Eddie Mohammed: I doooo! I just didnt have the time to finish my Pringles and stick it on my costume hehehe..;p

Deisha Tamar: whoopsss sorryyy..i'll edit it...thanks, love! :)

anonymous:'re right ;D

Dechibis said...

hahaha.... cool and creative :)

Multibrand said...

It must have been fund to be a judge at a Halloween party. Congrats!

ratieh said...'re very creative Di! and you both..a very cute couple! =D

Unknown said...

yaaampun foto terakir udha sepijles. LMAOOOOOO really man on a picnic i was surprised yr sharjeel was there. plus kcmatanya sama lagi! wkkwwkwk.

interesting concept!

anyhow, emailnya bener kok, yahoo itu di 'email me'. i re-fwd, so mmmm yeha let me know again if you didnt get ><

Anonymous said...


natasha.fa said...

ga bisa berhenti baca blog nya diana rikasari. bnr2 orang yg creative.

Anonymous said...

nice one fotonya :) hehehehe

ada the baker said...

wow... nice. me loikey

Anastasya Carmelita P. Sinaga said...

love it. love it. love all ;)
anyway, kmrn tgl 30 oct dtg ke Pesta Blogger ngga ?


woow, great costume dear ..

Puwi said...


please join my international giveaway:

sherlyn said...


Everythingcelebrity said...

Nice idea

Anonymous said...

awesome, just pure awesome

Unknown said...

nice costum. but i love zombie

della said...

Diana!! am taking the idea for my 2 y.o. costume as it's fun and easy to create. Even after years I still remember this costume ^_^

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