For those of you who haven’t heard, True Match is a dedicated variant customized to truly match our Asian skin texture and tone. My tip: search for the color that matches your neck instead of face. That is because most of us Asians have different shades between the face and neck, and that's where the foundation comes to play - to even it out.

Above is a 1) liquid foundation, 2) two-way cake foundation, and 3) loose powder with minerals. I think I’ll just be using the liquid foundation & loose powder. Mom has taken the two-way cake foundation anyway hehehehe…here’s my attempt of using the two products in the manner that I usually conduct on a daily basis…;D
(Song: "Dancing With Myself" - Nouvelle Vague)
Verdict: I find the foundation light with a runny texture, able to blend easily and cover some of my dark spots naturally. And it doesn’t give you that crack effect I really hate. Phewh! Loose powder is nice too, feels light to the skin hence perfect for everyday wear...I like it! :)
nice video kak di!
is that a pen that you used to make a pony tail?
Like it :)
Kak dianaa :D
Saran aja nih.. Menurut aku, kak diana pakenya salah satu aja, jd jangan liquid foundie + mineral powder foundie karena hasilnya bakal ketebelan.
Kalo pake liquid foundie, dipakeinnya loose powder/ compact powder biasa aja. Si powder mineral true match ini kan foundation jg, jd ga perlu pake keduanya :)
Trus pake mineral powder foundienya jgn kebanyakan kak diana, nanti jadi cakey..Sekedar saran aja kak.. Krn aku hobi dandan. Hehehe :)
bahahahaha.. kocak banget sih ekspresinyaaa.. beneran bingung ya pas pake loose powder? :D
saran, pas pake foundie, tepuk2 ke mukanya pelan2 aja ya, jgn semangat2 amat gitu...hihih ^^
how cute are youu ka Diana ;)
hahaha aku suka mineral powder foundie nya
ur the cutest!
and it was the one the most touching scenes when the song was playing in ugly betty : )
hahaha video nya lucu.. dianaaa bedaknya tp agak ketebalan.. hehe ini masukan aja looh.. btw lebih bagus lagi kalo pake lipstik atau lipgloss yang soft warnanya biar makin seger mukanya..
hahaha video nya lucu.. dianaaa bedaknya tp agak ketebalan.. hehe ini masukan aja looh.. btw lebih bagus lagi kalo pake lipstik atau lipgloss yang soft warnanya biar makin seger mukanya..
hahaha video nya lucu.. dianaaa bedaknya tp agak ketebalan.. hehe ini masukan aja looh.. btw lebih bagus lagi kalo pake lipstik atau lipgloss yang soft warnanya biar makin seger mukanya..
hahaha video nya lucu.. dianaaa bedaknya tp agak ketebalan.. hehe ini masukan aja looh.. btw lebih bagus lagi kalo pake lipstik atau lipgloss yang soft warnanya biar makin seger mukanya..
hahaha video nya lucu.. dianaaa bedaknya tp agak ketebalan.. hehe ini masukan aja looh.. btw lebih bagus lagi kalo pake lipstik atau lipgloss yang soft warnanya biar makin seger mukanya..
Hi Diana...
gotta agree with that agnes there, that l'oreal powder is a mineral foundie i think. I got the same one, unless of course l'oreal also has loose powder in that kind of packaging that i dont know of. So yeah, i think u should use just one of 'em. And i found the mineral foundie a lil too heavy in coverage.
Anyway...cute video!
thank you so much, all! hahah! :D
Diva putri: yup! heheh....;p
Agnes Oryza Kristel : ahhh just the perfect advice i a bit dumb when it comes to cosmetics hehehhe...thank you so much! :)
nyun : iya binguuuuuung hahaha...malu-maluin ya :D
Diamond: makasi yahhh masukannyaa...really appreciate it! and yes, shud've used a bit of lipstick..why didnt i think about that? ;D
concealer will be perfect for dark circle under your eyes dee.. ^^
a post about make-up.really nice. :-)
hmmmm r u their brand ambassador di?
you're 25 and still live with your mother? seriously? you have a job, you earn lots of money and you still live with you mum???? spoiled
carryn: true...i have dark circles...sigh...
anonymous 1: Nope! :)
anonymous 2: Hi there...thank you for dropping by..:) Can i ask you just one thing? do you know me in real life? Thank you...:)
kakak ekspresinya lucu banget!!!
nice vid lahhh.. <3 <3 <3
funny when the powder didnt come out haha and when u put the blusher haha
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