If you visit their website here, they actually have this very nice campaign called WOW, which stands for Why Only White. The idea is that why keep things all white when adding colors to your life would bring no harm, in fact, make your days more fun!

These pads come in various designs to represent different personalities. If you're curious, you can figure out what's your design by taking their quiz here. I've done mine, and it says I'm "Confident Chic"! Heheheh....;p

To know more about this, you can follow their FB or Twitter....and oh, I heard that they're still available in Jakarta only...adios! :)
this is so cute.
you look amazing cuty.
love this post.
seems like an advertisement to me. :-)
ka diana kayanya emang cocok banget di marketing heheheh
Story Of Che
so cute!
i've tried their quiz and it says that i'm "little miss perfect".. hihi..=P
semua foto kakak di blog ini, termasuk foto-foto "daily fashion" nya pake kamera apa kak? slr atau pocket? merknya apa ya?
Thank you :)
lucu bgt ka dee outfitnya :)
oiya kak aku boleh minta email ga?? aku mau tanya sesuatu hehe. makasih
uda coba kuisnya.
It said I'm an "Artsy"
love this post
"i've did mine..." ??
Thanks, all! :)
Deena: hai..aku pake pocket camera, Nikon Coolpix..:)
Yuliana Maddi: bolehh..email aja ke diana_ti02@yahoo.com :)
Anonymous: haha my bad..thanks :)
halo kak di,,, love ur outfits its so cute, in both photos,,,
btw, could u tell me how to change colour like in your photo?
the top oh the top.. me like it.. ^^
i love this post so much...
I adore you so much Miss Rikasari:)
You've inspired me.
btw, do you have online shop??
Me am "Beach Babe"
Ini adalah motif Beach Babe kamu.
Hidup seperti di pantai! Kamu cinta kehidupan kamu dan tidak akan melewatkan apa pun. Kepribadianmu cerah ceria dan energimu yang menular membuat orang senang berada di sekitarmu, dan kamu pun juga senang berada di sekitar orang banyak! Ramah, riang, bersemangat dan 100% fun. Seperti matahari, kamu natural dan selalu menyala!
OMG, I love this quiz ! XDD hahahhaa .. btw, that white + gray look is so gorgeous! They're gorgeous colors! XD
belajar ngedit photo dri mna kak???
ayugoomgum : im gonna have one soon...do wait!! :)
Ladyulia: edit pake Photoshop dear...:)
Lhyra's write : belajar sendiri alias otodidak hehehe..coba-coba aja..:)
bagus sekali blog kamu, bisa menjadi inspirasi buat para wanita tuk berpakaian trendy.
i use kotex..and it's so comfy..
*commercial break*
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