Received 2 new books from the witty
Margareta Astaman...yay!! Can't wait to read and write a review about them...:)

Anyway, my current favorite pieces...
Cotton Ink Nala top in grey, Zara shirt, unbranded skirts & belt, Topshop socks & wooden necklace, Schu sandals
Planning to get this drawstring trouser pictured below on the left from
Cotton Ink too! :)
wow, ka u make nala dress more awsome!!
i want drawstring pants too, tp belum keluar.. hopely soon yaa
topi gedenya super cuuutttee!!!
roknya juga lucuu.. :)
Kak dii your style is always awesome.. . Never get bored of your blog.
Do you want to link me back kak?
Thanks :)
Kak dii your style is always awesome.. . Never get bored of your blog.
Do you want to link me back kak?
Thanks :)
I adore ur hat
the second outfit is cute. :)
hello kak diana
I heart your big hat cause it's awesome :]
heart ya ♥
topinya lucu ka, aku suka. kk mau link back aku ga? :((
you have a turkey neck
knee socks ♥ ♥
where did u get the catalog ka? nice look i love ur skirt!! :DD
I love everything in this post!
the hat, the outfit, the drawstring trousers, especially the maxi dress it's so beautiful! :D
ooh nice hat!!! :) i love your sandals ka diana!!!!!!!!!!
dress yg unik,trusan jga kren bawahnya pkai rok renda ya????D'gw dh sring post cman blm p'nah lu bls gw pnasran ma profile lu....kerjaan,status dll sekalian minta almt emailnya....
I love that nala top. I think nala dress looks good than the top :)
awesome sist..
i like the grey top.
it was a great dress XD
nice blog
i like it..
from fendi
Wow I love the second outfit so so much kak ! So lovely ! And the books look great ! :D
i like ur maxi dress, so classic :D
OOh my God! I looove your longdress!
hai Di.... check ur mailbox yaaa :)
kak diana aku suka banget sama baju cotton ink-nya <3 really cute!! you look younger hehehe. keep rocking kak diana! :D
The Coronet
Blog nya menarik, foto-fotonya cuantik-cuantik, hehehe...
sukses deh...
nice blog, i love it
warm regard, - "Batik from Jogja"
cool hat!! it looks like mad hater's hat in alice in wonderland
love your skirt
XD nathalie
Dear Diana, numpang iklan lagi ya :
Hi Guys,
Panitia PLD FKUI Internasional 2011 mau ngadain Garage Sale lagi nih.. Tentu nya dengan barang-barang yang lebih beragam dan harga yang lebih oke :D
Dateng yaaa... acaranya bakal diadain:
Hari: Sabtu, 24 April 2010
Waktu: 10.00-18.00
Tempat: Ruko Royal Spring Residence Jl.Raya Ragunan No. 29A, Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu
barang-barang yang bakal kita jual terdiri dari lots and lots of:
- T-shirts, shirts, dresses, pants, skirts, jeans, jackets
- Shoes and sandals
- Bags
- Books --> comics, novels, and medical books
- Electronics
so mark your calendar, bring your cash (except for electronics), and come to our Garage Sale because we have lots of great things to offer!
see you there guys :D
makasih :)
Oh iya satu lagi
Info ttg Garage Salenya bisa diliat di!/event.php?eid=114831985194225&ref=ts
Jangan lupa bawa shopping bag sendiri ya teman2, biar ngurangin plastik hehe.
Remember, you can't live without plastics, but you can use them wisely :)
Thanks n have a lovely day,
waaw those nala dress look so good on you :)
u're successful make nala top into cute dress! :D
mampir pertama...
salam kenal.
Thanks dear for the post :)
Love you much !
salam kenal..
interesting...nice blog;)
salam kenal!
interesting..nice blogs;)
love the long dress!!!! where do you get the four fingers glove? XO
i love ur style kak . >.<
as always , :)
especially ur skirt .
that's cute ♥ .
xoxo ,
i already read cruise on you. its great! really a recommended book for you.. made me wanna fly to alaska asap ;)
happy reading, and you got the style!
love your cotton ink nala top . awesome ! (:
Hi, I just came across your blog, it's lovely! I love the black full length dress, very very nice :)
Your photos are great too!!
Miss Violet Bell.xx
Stop by some time :)
Damn!!! You are so cool, girl! i like it. :) nice too know you, Diana :)
Damn!!! You are so cool, girl! i like it. :) nice too know you, Diana :)
Damn!!! You are so cool, girl! :) i like it. Nice to know you :)
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