2) So here it is...my new phone that will be the loyal companion of my pink BB hehehe...

This Nokia X6 comes handy in fulfilling my music needs, as it provides an exceptional service of letting us users download free songs from their database… legally!!
FYI, there will be a Nokia Hypersix Party to symbolize the launch of this phone in indonesia..do attend to see The Changcuters, Dewi Sandra, D’Masiv, Drive, J-Rocks dan Sherina live! :)
Plaza Barat Senayan
Saturday, March 27th, 2010
17.00 – 23.00 WIB
Saturday, March 27th, 2010
17.00 – 23.00 WIB
Adios! :)
yay! new post. i love your blog kak :) keep rockin!
Is it true that we can download 3 million songs for free?
Thanks Diana
Nitya: Yup!! Very true :)
Bernadette Bianca (16YO) : thank you so much, dear :)
whoaaa really loves your outfit dearr :D
mind to visit my blog?
drop a little comment please :3
im glad to hear my senior writing at my blog!
Cute bedroom you have there! And I love your leopard wedges and cardigan.
1 RM brp IDR sih kak? hehe
wow.. cool phone! I wonder if we compare it with iPhone!
come to my blog --> http://anbiyasmine.blogspot.com/
ooh i love your phone and your blog girl xxxxx
the theme is leopard ya ka?
love blazer nya...
love love love u kaa
cute outfit...
visit mine??
lo besok dateng ke plazbarnya ga?
Meskipun aku nggak begitu suka vintage dress. tp yg kmu beli keren!! :D
i really love that shoes..
you can uploaded 3 million songs??
do they have some kind of expired time or something??
come and visit
ooh, we have the same mobile phone :p got mine last december, nice to know you can also download songs from Ovi music for free from Indonesia!
"only" 3 million songs, or is it unlimited? in Finland you can download unlimited songs for a whole year :)
New post... 3 millions songs free Download..
Thank you for sharing useful info...
cool vintage dress and the leopard wedges are so gorgeous!!
love your style - as always
xoxo nathalie
love your shoes
love the dress!! xP
OH. MY. GOD. THAT OUTFIT IS. WOW. I love the wedge, the blazer, and also the dres. overall its WOW.
where did you get that awesome shoes?love it!
That's totally P-E-R-F-E-C-T, as usual !
you ROCK!!!!
nice pict and nice share
blog kamu bagus banget..
waawww , heart leopard so much :))
keren handphonenya neng ....
kakaaaaaaaaaaak... ak ngefans bgt deh ama kak diana, pngen deh jdi fashion blooger for man kaya kakak hehe
kak dianaaaaaaaaa, pngen deh gw knal ama kakak. pngen juga jadi fashion bloger for MAN kaya kakak, hehe emgharus bermerk yaaa? hihi
love the shoes!
There only one part you cant wear to work is that pair of shoes. Thogh they look good together. :p
Vintage dressnya lucu bangeeet. Kesemsem deh.
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