from tian:lucuu diiii bajunya semodel ama yg waktu kamu pernah pakai ke premierenya queen bee movie yah? ituu yg ada di bagian kerahnya suka deh detailnya
baguus kak di tunic nyaa! oh iya kak, bls email aku agk cptan ya kak di.. maaf bgtt ya aku minta cpt2 soalnya itu buat tugas trus deadlinenya besok.. mksih bgt bgt bgt yaa kak.. heheee trus kak jgn lupa comment jg ya di blog tugas aku itu makasiiii..
cute =)
wah it's a really nice outfit!
mba, biasa beli tights dimana?
Itu gratis lagi ya? Senangnya jadi kamu hehehehe ;p
Eh, uhm, I've been many pieces of clothes and pairs of shoes do you own? You must've got a very large store room ya?
Lovely outfit btw. As always :)
I love your easy to combine different colors!!
so cuteee!
awesome outfit. love the room!
from tian:lucuu diiii bajunya semodel ama yg waktu kamu pernah pakai ke premierenya queen bee movie yah? ituu yg ada di bagian kerahnya suka deh detailnya
wow. kak diana, kapan kapan ajarin aku mix and match baju yaa :DD
you're so good at it !
great pairing of this sheer yellow top with the neckpiece and the bright pink tights. really lovely.
wow asik banget D dapet kado terus hihihi :D
anyway that one is nice :D haha
lucu banget tunicnya. jadi pengen. :P
so cuteeeee.. yellow and pink together? my fav colors! ;)
haaiii, mampir yaa ke Bella Shop... belanjaa jg disini..^^
wahhh keren....warnanya cocok buat kulit Mba D
hi diana...
kenalin aq newbie di blogspot.
hehehe jd masih rada dong dong
salam kenal yah ^^
ps: love ur outfit
lovely sheer tunic! :)
bagus gituuu.. hhahaha..
Dianaaa only u can pull off this tunic. If i was wearing it i'd definitely end up looking like a pregnant lady :P
cool just as usual ;)
and getting so many gifts is cool too..
baguus kak di tunic nyaa!
oh iya kak, bls email aku agk cptan ya kak di.. maaf bgtt ya aku minta cpt2 soalnya itu buat tugas trus deadlinenya besok.. mksih bgt bgt bgt yaa kak.. heheee
trus kak jgn lupa comment jg ya di blog tugas aku itu
how cool is that . :)
Its cool looking after long time something different. nice work
sis, cobain mampir online butikku ya, all imported goods:
love the look babe ^___^
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