What we had...

PS: I'm really, really sorry for saying this, but I find it really annoying to read someone's blog and find that person writing out her feelings using some of my words...I know very well the way I write, and I know if some of the lines used are mine....gosh.
kak dii thanks for the intervieww ya kak :) you're so pretty sweet todaay :D
i really love ur dress~!
Who's that person Di?
Love ur outfit today xP
Tapi kayaknya kamu kurusan ya Di?Bajunya terlihat sedikit kebesaran :D
oww . the ice cream looks so delicious .
i heart your boots . ahaa . ;)
Is it a crime to write out her feelings using some of your words? I mean, words are universal, honey. Except if she happened to post some of your photos. That would be called as a crime.
Well, it's just my opinion, though :)
Imitation is the sincerest flattery.
Is it a crime to write out her feelings using some of your words? I mean, words are universal, honey. Except if she happened to post some of your photos. That would be called as a crime.
Well, it's just my opinion, though :)
Imitation is the sincerest flattery.
that dress is very feminine and sweet. i like the color of the tights. it's like clouds in rainy sky :-)
You have such cute outfits.. cool shoes.. and that ice cream looks gorgeous. x
this means that you're really inspirational for someone ;)
personally, I just found your blog, and I'm impressed by the explosion of colors in you page/art. this entered in my mind telling me I should add more color too on my life =)
mmm, ice cream!
I LOVE your blog. I've been reading it obsessively for about a week now. You have this awesome leather jacket...I was wondering what brand it is? Anyway, I love your style and you seem like a really cool and wholesome person. Thanks for the daily inspiration!
Whoa d ice cream looks nyummy2.
I hope it's not my blog
ure tlking about haha :p
huaaa... i always love your shoes ka Di! mauuu.... x(
eh, emang siapa orangnya ka?
apakah diriku?
Oh the dress is so pretty.
And I want ice-cream now!
thanks, all!!
Jeannie: thank u, too! And u looked super cute as well! :D
Oliohe butarbutar: oh ya? Secara timbangan sih tetep, gak turun hehehehe
Ellana: thanks a lot! <3 i'm not sure which leather jacket you're referring to...if it's the black one, that one is from Forever 21 :)
Talisha & putri erdisa: hehehehe...bukan kok say...:)
Anonymous: i understand your point....thanks :) as i said, i'm sorry for thinking that way...still, it bugs me to see people just simply copy-paste my writings and make it theirs...anyway, lets not continue this topic hehehe...thanks :D
i think this blog is copying you,oh gosh
Kak Di... you're so sweet that day...
makasii yaa udah mauu foto sama aku...heheheuu
seneng deh majalah online kami bisa wawancara kak Diana..
i'm a big fans of you by the way.heheheuu...
temenku heboh pas tauu aku ketemu kakak...
you are my inspiration..hooho..
i think the fact that the dress is 'oversize' makes the whole look cooler! its like romantic bohemian with some urban twists.. i like that!
and my opinion, most bloggers inspire each other, they also inspired by the same source, and lots of people out there use the same idioms, phrase, and else in their daily lives.. so, its so possible to see people with similar writing style :)
unless, they're copy pasting your quotes or writings without mentioning your name or asking permission.. in that case we can call them 'plagiator', but then again, it always mean that u're inspirational, and very good at it (writing)..
cheers always dear :)
dear, im sooo sorry i didnt see the thing you write earlier bout 'not continue the topic'
i extremely extremely apologize x(, feel really bad about it..
you can delete my comment if you want to..
im sooooo sorry once again..
Love your outfit..;D
That ice cream i want it...;D
thats very go-girl :| ure really good in mashing up colours. awesome!
pemlagiatan bntuk penghargaan tertinggi???hmm...resiko tenar nih kyna..sabar yha buu...
love the dress. ^~
great shoes! love it..
yayy... emang Cream n Fudge is really delicious...
rasa apa itu di??
me likey... :D
I've checked out the blog you mentioned, Anonymous (II) http://droopyfroopyeyes.blogspot.com/
but I couldn't find any plagiarism in it. I kinda confuse here.
Oh well, I guess let's not continue this topic again. It's not appropiate to judge someone without any proof :)
Diana, thanks for understanding my opinion :) coz somehow thing like this happens all the time.
And I'll remain as Anonymous though I have blogger account :)
waw!!dress nya keren!!
diana i have seen your fashion spread for gogirl and it's sooooooo cute, i cant help myself not to squeak :) keep it up!
I know you said to not continue the topic, but I need to know..
Is it me?
tell me if its me...
oh my god it's me...
arghh... Di... tell me...
I kinda need to know... No... I REALLY NEED TO KNOW....
di...i think from now on you should except the destiny that everything you wear and also everything you said (i mean you write in your blog)is an inspiratiooooooon..at least for me..cheers diana
kak dii,, don't be sad. cheers! =)
gogirl udah ada belom kak di? aku belom liat2 nii,,
wow...cutie dress....luv it..
oh no poor you, diana... its so annoying and unpolite. if i were you i would get angry too.
Hey kak di...
kemaren itu kak di lg sency ya?
I think I saw you, look exactly like that!!!
Gosh, you are soo preetttyyy...
luv u'r style...
That ice-cream looks magnificent. I hate it when people don't have the courtesy to even quote you before they rip off what you write. Monumental shoes-I wish I was good in heels. Some garish '80's shirt and acid wash would look so good with them.
the dress is heaven, however that ice cream definitely must be a sin. mmmm
T.A.S.H.A: ahhhh bisa aja hehehehe...makasi yaaa...truly an honor udah diwawancara hehehhehe ;p
ChikitaRosemarie: thanks a lot for your opinion...and it's truly okay!!! thanks once again!! :)
selvy: nama rasanya ya judul post ini hehhehe...;p
theliciousgum: lol...you're not! :)
ozzlya: waaa...thanks yaaaa hehhehe..iya, kemaren ke sency :D
She comes from a nowhere town she likes: thankss!!! yeah..it bugs me a lot...btw you just reminded me of a DIY project I've been wanting to do...acid wash leggings!! lets! :D
awww..lucu sekaliii bajunyaaaaa..
vintage2 girlie gimanaaaa githuuuu..
hohohoo.. :)
hi diana,,why are you so self-centered????you never admit if someone inspires you,,,but you always get pissed so easily when someone doing something you think it was inspired by you???without those people,,your blog is nothing...don't make them look like a total asshole....I bet sussie bubble will be pissed if she ever reads your blog
MUST FIND ICECREAM!! I hope I have some, that looks much too tasty!
Your outfit is so lovely, the colours are just flawless. Awesome.
And yes, who is copying you? I know what you mean though, I see so many blogs that use the same lingo as other ones, even some of the same material just reverberated back. It is pretty annoying, and I don't beleive the "imitation is the highest form of flattery"... its just stealing!!
I like that your blog is its own, it doesnt seem like you try to dress or write in any way but your own. You go girl!!! I admire that so much :D
sweet ice cream . and sweet boots and dress . i heart it so much :))
gabby hakim: thanks a lot, dear! I never thought of it as a vintage look hehehe..u just made me realize that! :D
Loyalreader: really? Hmmm...that's an interesting opinion...i dunno where your thought is coming from...but i do acknowledge the people who inspires me a lot...even in interviews, i always say that i often get inspired by other bloggers, especially susie bubble and rumi from fashion toast...they're my favorites...and also, the olsen sisters...we should make clear the difference of inspiration and plagiarism...u wud understand the feeling if your artwork is used by other people without permission too many times, or people simply post my exact words and claim it as if it was their thought...seriously...even a writing is a piece of art, cuz it comes from a deep contemplation...that's why there are such things as 'quote' and 'quoting'...anyway, thanks a lot for your input! :)
Nice and shiny: go get yourself some ice cream today! :D and thank u for the sweet words...it's nice to know that u understand what i feel...really....thanks :) and just to let u know, i adore your style sooooo muuch and i often envy your super creative DIY ideas...xoxo
i love how you dress, its totally awsome :)
and that would suckk
I think its very sad to see someone copying your works but they just might not realize after reading your blog entries they are used to the wording you use. I personally say that you are an inspiration and sometimes I find myself seeing things the way you do, sorry if that annoys you. :)
hi diana,, luv ur blog.
walopun ga berani pake baju bgitu. tapi ngeliatnya seruuu :)
btw, just curious, apa Super umi itu sodara km? mirip bgt. style nya sama..
Ka Di itu bukan aku kan :'( anyway, tas-nya lucu banget!
makan es krim aja mesti pake baju kaya gitu ya, kalau makan pecel, lo pake apa? kebaya?
Such a sweet dress, I've been feeling nude colors lately and you are rocking them my dear!
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