great buy..heheehehehehe
why u hate Kenny Rogers roasters?
yang dari alun alun lucu =D
omg the shoes are gorgeous!! happy belated bday babe =)
this month must be ur fav..lots of fun rite!and sale is everywhere.haha..btw in case u didnt noe,zara is on sale ^_^
I thought that last necklace was a very colorful bra at first.
the bow and the shoes are killing me D!!!
WEW!!happy blated birhtdayyy ya diana!!btw gue smpe skrg msh ga bs blanja di office hahar u sure, ur 24??gue pikir msh kuliah.kalung yg dr madness nya too cute!!!love it!!
i can't wait for the shoes to arrive to our stores! i love them and i'm surely getting myself a pair!!! :) the necklaces are fab diana!
lo org buta ya??jelek tu shoes nya, freak bgt..
Thanks!! <3Jay: Gak worth it...makanannya hambar, kurang fresh dan kurang hangat juga...tapi that's just my opinion lo :)Gricia: hehehe...tau aja...thanks yaaa! :)WendyB:'s a cute bow...can't you seeee hehehhe...;pBunga: hehehhe...gue 24 kooooook hehehhe...;pLloyda: i saw your cropped blazer over there! They're AWESOME!!Anonymous: enggak kok, menurut gue keren :)
duuh, ngefans bgt dh sm kak diana!^^terbukti klo srg senyum tuh bqn awet muda ya?! :)happy birthday!btw, all the stuffs are AWESOME! you do have a taste..
itu kado yang ada gambar ned flander nya itu apa sih, diana?????
really oryginal jewellery,inspiring for me because i love making earrings and things like that:)kisses:*
love ur mango gorgeous..
happy belated birthday yaaa :)be better, be loved.i love necklaces tooo x)btw kado yang ada gambar.. siapa itu.. dari the simpsons,, itu apa yah ? hehe
i loooooove the statement necklace you got from Madness!!from the first time I saw it on your previous post, it's like a love at first sight haha ;Pcuteness!
why hating kenny rogers roasters? becoz of the chicken?
Anonymous: waduh...ahaha...thanks yaaa ;pkarl's sweet child & fhen: itu buku isinya tentang flanders heheh...buku maen2 doang sih, isinya ya becandaan ala flanders gitu....bitsANDpieces: i think the foods are just a turn off once u eat them. they're not warm when served, and the foods are rather tasteless? soweeeee
i hope its not too late to wish u happy birthday! and i love the shoess sooo muchhhh ;)
i know right? i loooove giordano concepts!!!
goshh, whts the price fr tht bow necklacee?
Those shoesss! And that bow necklace totally looked like a bra at first, haha.
wish they have giordano concept here!! :S
Sorry forgot your birthday sis. better late than never. Happy belated birthday Die....*dah lama ga, kemaren si cucur maen ke jkt ya?
wan noor atiqah : hi's about RM120...:)dendi: makasi bung dendiiiiii heheh..iya, hans and surya kesini tauuuuu
yg dari alun2 lucu bgt!
buset tuh kalung yang dari alun2 keren!!!Aku mau....hehehehe secara di SBY alun2 kagak ada :(
i think u have to try Kenny Rogers Roasters again cos it taste different, they have a better taste now...;)
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great buy..heheehehehehe
why u hate Kenny Rogers roasters?
yang dari alun alun lucu =D
omg the shoes are gorgeous!! happy belated bday babe =)
this month must be ur fav..lots of fun rite!and sale is everywhere.haha..btw in case u didnt noe,zara is on sale ^_^
I thought that last necklace was a very colorful bra at first.
the bow and the shoes are killing me D!!!
happy blated birhtdayyy ya diana!!
btw gue smpe skrg msh ga bs blanja di office haha
r u sure, ur 24??
gue pikir msh kuliah.
kalung yg dr madness nya too cute!!!
love it!!
i can't wait for the shoes to arrive to our stores! i love them and i'm surely getting myself a pair!!! :) the necklaces are fab diana!
lo org buta ya??
jelek tu shoes nya, freak bgt..
Thanks!! <3
Jay: Gak worth it...makanannya hambar, kurang fresh dan kurang hangat juga...tapi that's just my opinion lo :)
Gricia: hehehe...tau aja...thanks yaaa! :)
WendyB:'s a cute bow...can't you seeee hehehhe...;p
Bunga: hehehhe...gue 24 kooooook hehehhe...;p
Lloyda: i saw your cropped blazer over there! They're AWESOME!!
Anonymous: enggak kok, menurut gue keren :)
duuh, ngefans bgt dh sm kak diana!^^
terbukti klo srg senyum tuh bqn awet muda ya?! :)
happy birthday!
btw, all the stuffs are AWESOME! you do have a taste..
itu kado yang ada gambar ned flander nya itu apa sih, diana?????
really oryginal jewellery,inspiring for me because i love making earrings and things like that:)
love ur mango gorgeous..
happy belated birthday yaaa :)
be better, be loved.
i love necklaces tooo x)
btw kado yang ada gambar.. siapa itu.. dari the simpsons,, itu apa yah ? hehe
i loooooove the statement necklace you got from Madness!!
from the first time I saw it on your previous post, it's like a love at first sight haha ;P
why hating kenny rogers roasters? becoz of the chicken?
Anonymous: waduh...ahaha...thanks yaaa ;p
karl's sweet child & fhen: itu buku isinya tentang flanders heheh...buku maen2 doang sih, isinya ya becandaan ala flanders gitu....
bitsANDpieces: i think the foods are just a turn off once u eat them. they're not warm when served, and the foods are rather tasteless? soweeeee
i hope its not too late to wish u happy birthday! and i love the shoess sooo muchhhh ;)
i know right? i loooove giordano concepts!!!
goshh, whts the price fr tht bow necklacee?
Those shoesss! And that bow necklace totally looked like a bra at first, haha.
wish they have giordano concept here!! :S
Sorry forgot your birthday sis.
better late than never.
Happy belated birthday Die....
*dah lama ga onlen.
eh, kemaren si cucur maen ke jkt ya?
wan noor atiqah : hi's about RM120...:)
dendi: makasi bung dendiiiiii heheh..iya, hans and surya kesini tauuuuu
yg dari alun2 lucu bgt!
buset tuh kalung yang dari alun2 keren!!!
Aku mau....hehehehe secara di SBY alun2 kagak ada :(
i think u have to try Kenny Rogers Roasters again cos it taste different, they have a better taste now...;)
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