Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Calm After The Storm

Just before this photo was taken, my son was having a complete meltdown; screaming, crying, scratching me, all while strolling around this beautiful city that is Grenoble in France. So we decided to take a break on this bench. My husband and I made him lie down, we both massaged him while my daughter 'entertained' him by telling a story about how the earth was created. Family teamwork. Slowly my son started to calm down.

Social media is not necessarily 'fake' as many would say, but of course most of us choose to upload our smiley pictures because we want to remember the good, happy memories more than the sad ones. The sad or difficult memories, they just live inside us, like a private space not for the whole world to see. Nevertheless, however one prefers, always choose to be kind. Everyone has their own battles in life. 💖 

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