S has been asking me why I am rather quieter these past few weeks. Even when S and I reach disagreements which usually more often lead to arguments, I nowadays choose to stay quiet and just say, "maybe you are right". S thinks that I am angry in my silence, while in fact, I am at peace.
I have found peace in stillness. After all these years, I have finally acquired a new skill that is surprisingly most simple yet effective in combating the chaos of this world. I sort of just pull myself out of all the noise, and stay quiet. Still and peaceful. I have found peace in not having to always prove myself that I am right, in not having to raise my tone just to make a point, in not having to tell someone that I disagree with you. I have learned that life is simpler when I focus on listening to my own breath as I inhale and exhale slowly, rather than to sounds that do not even make any sense.
I have found peace in stillness. After all these years, I have finally acquired a new skill that is surprisingly most simple yet effective in combating the chaos of this world. I sort of just pull myself out of all the noise, and stay quiet. Still and peaceful. I have found peace in not having to always prove myself that I am right, in not having to raise my tone just to make a point, in not having to tell someone that I disagree with you. I have learned that life is simpler when I focus on listening to my own breath as I inhale and exhale slowly, rather than to sounds that do not even make any sense.
iya banget kak, setuju, apalagi kalimat terakhir. akhir-akhir ini lebih memilih diam dibanding adu argumen baik jika sedang selisih paham dg orangtua, pacar, atau teman. kalau sudah diam berasa adem aja gitu, bisa dg mudahnya mengontrol emosi. karena sebelumnya kalo ada selisih paham biasanya emosi langsung meledak, minimal intonasi suara meninggi, dan itu bikin sedih sendiri kalo udah "sadar" melukai diri sendiri atau orang yg diajak adu argumen. setelah diam trs menemukan ketenangan bisa langsung ngomong baik-baik ttg perbedaan pendapat. yang tadinya sama-sama ngotot bisa saling mengerti perspektif lawan bicara. damai banget rasanya bisa paham dan dipahami hehe tp tentu untuk bisa masuk ke tahap ini harus ngelewati fase debat dulu yaaa hahaha :))))
ReplyDeleteI really know how you're feeling because I'm getting it too. I've been the most quite of me these past recent months already, and I find it okay to just let go of things and only focus to what matters, especially little essence in life we miss in our very basic life. thank you for sharing your sight, its kinda reliving to have minds that think alike.. :'')
ReplyDeleteI always wish I could talk with you in person, thank you for all the inspiring word:)
ReplyDeletegreats inspiration