Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Simplicity of Life

If I could sum up the things I have learned over the past 30 years of my life, it would be:
  1. Never stop believing
  2. Never stop trying
  3. Always be grateful
  4. Always be kind


  1. It's kinda law of attraction, what a lovemy thought ;)

  2. Thank you for this :)

    - Love from Malaysia

  3. Nice and very well said.

    Kalau mau establish bisnisnya mungkin bisa cek ke sini ya Cek Bisnis Anda Disini

  4. i'll never stop believing that i can meet you in person someday,
    i'll never stop trying to meet you in the future, even tho last time i failed,
    i'll always be grateful for everything i have, include you as my idol,
    i'll always be kind to me, you, and everyone :)

    have a great day kak.

  5. thank you so much for this quote, kakak ^_^
