Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Why Corona :(

So it's been more than a month since I updated my blog and suddenly I'm back because I feel...sad? Sigh. Because probably writing is one of the best ways to heal.

What has happened while I was gone (from the blogging world):

  • I've fallen in love with sewing at home, thanks to S who bought me a sewing machine for my birthday. My sewing machine now feels like an extension of my's a tool that fixes so many things; hubby's torn pyjamas, clothes that are too big, it also fixes my mood. I've been sewing almost every night doing so many things. Upcycling, making clothes from scratch, I really feel this whole sewing thing has opened me up. It made me understand design better. It has taught me the real construction of a design which is basically a result of great planning, thinking, patience and precision.
  • The new Disney "Stargirl" movie is finally out can spot 3 pairs of my UP shoes in it woohooooo! Grace VanderWaal's style is so perfect in the movie, it reminds me of my own style when I was young(er) LOL. And yes, I MADE IT TO DISNEY. Wow.
  • I'm working on a new BIG project that requires me to go back to my roots: graphic designing. It involves cute doodles and bright vivid colors and for sure, motivational quotes. I cannottttt wait to reveal this project soon, launching in June 2020.
  • I failed my Switzerland driving theory test for the 2nd time gosshhhhhh. I'm so sad I am so not motivated to take another test again..:D
  • Lastly, COVID-19. Yes, the coronavirus crisis. I am so worried about my parents back in Indonesia. At the same time, the numbers are quite high in Switzerland too. As of today, there has been more than 3,000 cases and 33 deaths here in Swiss. In Indonesia, the fatality rate is around 9%. Every hour, I message or call my parents to monitor what they are doing, where they are, just to make sure that they STAY AT HOME and not get tempted to go out because of boredom. As for us here in Switzerland, it's already quarantine Day 5, and so far we have managed to stay at home fully and keep the kids occupied with toys and books. We check the numbers every few hours and feel so sad whenever there is a new case or death. It's crazy. It's scary. It is not "just" a virus. Please don't take this lightly. Stay safe, be cautious, and keep updated with new policies and regulations being implemented by the government around the world.
Oh no. Daria just woke up LOL. Gotta put her to sleep now. Good night! :)


  1. Stay healthy. Looking at your updated post always cheering me up.

    Jalanan di Surabaya seperti bulan-bulan mudik, sepi dan lancar. Walau ada kemacetan, ga terlalu bikin naik darah.

    Udara di kota saya ini juga lebih segar, tidak terlalu pengap.

    Maaf saya malah curhat. :D

  2. Nicole Ng also went by the name dorkysiewkyMay 4, 2020 at 4:31 AM

    I love the fact that you still blog!!!!! Bringing back all the good old pre-instagram timesssss!

  3. Kak Di, thank you for sharing a (Really) positive tough of yourself di IGLive kemarin.
    Hari ini aku mengambil langkah untuk tidak mau menyalahkan sekitar dan mencoba bertekad lebih lagi dari diri sendiri.
    Bisa-bisanya ku jadi mulai nulis blog dari apa yang aku rangkum dari Kak Di kemarin malam:

    If you don't mind to read it, I will reallyyyyy happy.

    Dan tadi siang aku melakukan apa yang ingin banget aku lakukan seminggu belakangan. Ga pake alasan ini itu, akhirnya memo kecil yang kudesain sendiri sampai di tangan malam ini. Tentunya setelah 3 jam telp2in percetakan, desain memo, cari tahu bahan lewat google, dll.

    Aku baru memulai, aku tahu tak akan mudah, tapi hari ini saja sudah berlalu dengan baik, maka harus bertekad terus!

    Ah Kak Di, God bless you and keep inspiring!!

    ___Send my virtual hug for you____

  4. Waah... Hari ini aku belajar bikin blog, hanya ingin menyalurkan hobi menulisbsaja. Lalu cek di google dan ada nama kak Di disana, aku langsung cek dan ya inilah inspirasiku. Tq kak Di

  5. Kak Diiii membanggakan sekaliii, ngefans sama kak Di sejak jadi dosen tamu di TIUI duluuuuu hihi sukses selalu kak!

  6. Waah... Hari ini aku belajar bikin blog, hanya ingin menyalurkan hobi menulisbsaja. Lalu cek di google dan ada nama kak Di disana, aku langsung cek dan ya inilah inspirasiku. Tq kak Di

  7. Hai Ka Di, semoga kaka sehat selalu ya
    Kaka sangat menginsiprasi
    Aku juga jauh dari keluarga, jadi khawatir banget sama mereka :(
    Takut mereka kenapa-napa
    But, I hope this pandemic ends soon

    Please kindly check my website

  8. sehat selalu dan terus berkarya untuk kebermanfaatan masa depan
