Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Oh wow, like OMG, it's been sooooo long since I actually wrote anything in this blog. Whattt? I keep beating my own record now. Sigh. So what happened? Well, I was definitely caught up with school, but in a good way. I was working on some projects that got me really excited I was just so focused on them. I have even been posting less on Instagram. WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH ME.

I also feel a bit different now. Like a new me is emerging, slowly. I have been thinking more about my presence, my actions, my works, how they contribute to this world, to the environment. I keep thinking about what impact am I bringing because I want my life to be meaningful. I no longer want to work on things that only revolves around making money and profit. And I am caring less about the many people I used to admire so much. I am starting to realize that a lot of them are just simply after the money and that does not feel inspiring and not what I aspire to be in this life.

Anyway, it's nice to write again. Love you! :)


  1. Welcome back! Sebenarnya sedang banyak berpikir hal yang sama. I can relate!!! Apakah ini karena usia? hehehe..

  2. Hi to you, too! I only just found your blog one week ago, but I feel excited to see this "new you" come to surface and evolve. Sounds like an exciting endeavor, and more importantly, like a fun personal journey I look forward to following along with :)

  3. Thanks for sharing, sukses terus..

  4. I agree. Blogging is not merely pursuing money, but is intends to channel hobbies, share knowledge, inspiration, and of course blogwalking hehe... Nice quote

  5. I feel you! I do want a comfortable life but I also want it to be meaningful :)

  6. Mungkin sekarang jadi lebih banyak kesibukan lain yang lumayan menyita waktu ya kak. Semoga sehat selalu ya, Kak..

    Btw, gimana kasus penjiplakan itu, kak? Udah clear?

  7. its sound like a beginning of soul transformation, good luck kak di :) wish you a happy and meaningful life !

  8. aw I found your blog in twitter and it's more colourfull, I love it :)
