Friday, February 15, 2019

Introducing The Diana Rikasari Statue!!

I HAVE A TWINNNNN! How is this even real? Truly blessed. Thank you, Allah..:)

News is out here in Switzerland and it’s a crazy feeling. Introducing my wax figurine that will be a permanent display at the Historisches und Völkerkundemuseum for the many years to come. “She” is wearing my personal clothes and accessories so now they belong to the museum too. Can you imagine that my fashion belongings are now in a museum's archive? That's just the craziest thing. Dreams do come true and they start from the things you love the most doing, and for me, that is simply dressing up. Wow.

Anyway, if you’re visiting Europe, do drop by and take a #selfie with meeeeeeee! So, does she look like me? :D


  1. Alhamdulillah! Congratulations! Indonesia will really proud of you Kak Diana!!

  2. Congratulations kak Di, you truly inspire me!

  3. wowwwww, berani tampil beda apapun kondisinya, thanks for your inspiration!

  4. You very funny pose photo selfie, but this is art fashion, Congratulations for representing Indonesia

  5. Congrats diana.. proud of you

  6. Keep on working, great job!

  7. I ordered flowers for my daughter in regulation on Tuesday.
