Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hello, Wooooorrrrllldddd!

Alhamdulillah ya Allah, the most precious gift from Allah has finally arrived and her name is Daria Richelle! Our baby giiiirrlllllll! :)

The name 'Daria' originates in Greek language and means "owner of goodness". Daria or Dariya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means good-mannered, lady-like, intelligent, perceptive. Meanwhile, 'Richelle' is a female French name. It originates in Germanic language and means "daring power" or "brave ruler". I chose the name myself and proposed it to hubby, which took a while for him to approve heheh. Anyway, Daria was born on Sunday, July 23rd, 2017. So she's 4 days old today! Yay! You know what's interesting? Both Daria and I are born on a 23rd, and on a Sunday too. Ha! :)

Even though it's been 4 days only, it hasn't been so easy specifically for me. Aside from the physical pain post natural-birth (e.g. it really hurts to sit and walk) and having my breast swollen as breast milk starts flowing, I can feel it to my bones and see it through Shahmeer's eyes of how sad and jealous he is. I didn't know this was going to be the difficult part. Everyday I cry when I am alone. I see his eyes in my head, and I know what those eyes mean; a look that purely shows an unconditional love of a boy to her mother and his fear of losing me. And I feel just the same way. Somehow, I am also sad because my love for him will be shared, even though I will always love him just as much. I kiss him and hug him every time I can, but he always acts cold. But in the night, he would come to me and sleep on my legs. You see, even typing this made me cry. I don't know how to describe it in words, but I just love Shahmeer very very very much. Having him as an only child for the past three years has created such a strong beautiful bond between just us, and I myself need to learn to make space for some more love and teach him that too. InshaaAllah both Shahmeer and Daria will make great siblings and we all love each other very much too. Amin ya Allah.

See you later, blog! Gotta feed my baby girl. Nice chatting with you! :)


  1. I also get teary reading this!!
    Because it reminds me of the time i gave birth to 2nd child too. Everything was easier for me ( childbirth, breastfeeding, etc ) but i cried so much because i saw the sadness and scared feeling of my 1st child. Until now sometimes i realized that when i am looking at the 2nd child, the 1st child is looking at me paying attention to the 2nd. I feel so bad.
    Mommy's guilty never ends, i guess ;D

    Congratulations and wish Daria grow healthy and happy!!
    And speedy recovery for you :D

  2. Jadi nangis baca ceritanya :'(

    Btw, congrats ya Diana...
    Selama ini jadi pembaca setia tanpa pernah tinggalin komen :)

    Salam dari Medan

  3. Congratulations a new baby girl!!! She's so cute!!!

  4. Hello Daria...what a sweet name ... as sweet as you, pretty little girl..
    Kak Diana dan suami selamat yaa atas kelahiran baby girlnya..aahhhh senangnya sudah sepasang S & D junior :)))
    Pasti perjuangannya lebih extra yaa melahirkan dan membesarkan anak di "kampung" orang..but this too shall pass..semoga lancar menyusuinya dan bisa berbagi cinta kasih yang balance between Shahmeer and Daria...nggak sabar lihat foto2nya Daria pakai baju-baju lucu ala mommy :D


  5. Congrats for Daria Kak Dii

  6. Selamat selamat selamat Die.. hehe, I just wrote about it too on my blog.


